Our network partners
A foundation is not created in a vacuum, but requires the right partners from science and industry to grow and flourish. In a lively and close exchange of ideas, our network helps guture founders to establish regional and national contacts. But also passing on the experiences of our cooperating companies in their mentoring role plays a decisive role.
We strive to expand our network steadily and to provide our startups with an ideal breeding ground.
Our cooperation network in an overview:
Access 2 Finance |
Allgemeiner Arbeitgeberverband der Wirtschaft für Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. |
BPC - Die UNTERNEHMERinnen AKADEMIE GmbH BPC is the first address for business founders and entrepreneurs. With consulting and coaching services, training, exchange of experience and mentoring, the Academy is open to those interested in founding. learn more |
Bürgschaftsbank Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH BB and MBG are self-help institutions of the commercial economy. They enable small and medium-sized enterprises as well as founders to access financing when their own capital and sufficient collaterat are lacking. learn more |
Business Angels Fonds Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH The Business Angels Fonds support young technology-oriented start-ups as well as companies that are ready to succeed. They offer unbureaucratic, flexible and alternative financing options for start-ups and business successions. learn more |
EMI Koordinierungs- und Beratungszentrum für Existenzgründung, Migration & Integration The aim of this project is to sensitize and support potential founders with a migration background for a possible start-up or takeover, to adequately and long-term integrate in Saxony-Anhalt with regard to acquired qualifications and existing skills. Mainly knowledge-based and technology-oriented start-ups, but also all further business start-ups by migrants in the state of Saxony-Anhalt are the kernal of this project. learn more |
FOUND IT! Gründerzentrum der Hochschule Anhalt The FOUND IT! Gründerzentrum is committed to promoting and consolidating the start-up culture at the university, comprehensively supportung start-up projects of university members and continuously improving the framework conditions for start-ups in the environment of the Hochschule Anhalt . learn more |
Generation Selbständig e.V. Generation Selbständig e.V. stands for the strengthening of the self-development and individual responsibility of each. In particular, the association has adopted the promotion of self-employment. learn more |
GRÜNDERKIDS As a project of the German Children and Youth Foundation and as part of the country's ego.-start-up offensive, GRÜNDERKIDS aims to increase the number of student companies in Saxony-Anhalt while strengthening cooperation between companies and schools. learn more |
Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Magdeburg GmbH The IGZ Magdeburg GmbH carries out various modular qualifications for founders before and after the founding of the company and at the samt time offers modern infrastructures for business start-ups. learn more |
Industrie- und Handelskammer Magdeburg The Chanmer of Commerce and Industry is an important partner on the way to becoming self-employed. With numerous offers and information, the IHK is a guidpost for founders. learn more |
KAT - Kompetenznetzwerk für Angewandte und Transferorientierte Forschung The KAT sees itself as a KATalyst for business-reöated innovations. They support scientists and entrepreneurs who work together on forward-looking solutions for technical or business problems. learn more |
MeCoSa 4.0 Through offers such as coaching, mentoring, workshops and network events, MeCoSa 4.0 supports female and junior female scientists, primarily from the STEM areas, all universities and colleges of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, on their scientific or economic qualification and career path. learn more |
METOP GmbH The name METOP stands for the holistic integration of people, technology, organization and planning with a focus on human potential, work organization, use of technology as well as information and communcation systems. learn more |
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitalisierung The Ministry of Ecnomics, Science and Digitalization offers information on the economic policy of Saxony-Anhalt and, with its diverse online offerings, it is the first orientation point for people interested in funding a start-up . learn more |
TechnologieAllianz e.V. The TechnologieAllianz is the German Association for Knowledge and Technology Transfer and unites universities, non-university research institutions and transfer service providers into a nationwide network. learn more |
tti Magdeburg The technology transfer facility offers companies and technology-oriented start-ups in the areas of research and development, national and international cooperation, business start-up and company establishment as well as corporate growth . learn more |
Univations The Univations Instituts for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg pursues a holistic approach to promoting innovation and start-ups from school to university through to sustainable entrepreneurship. learn more |