Become co-founder

The Transfer- and Start-up Center wants to support prospective founders and start-up teams even more purposefully in their seach for team members.

Are you the right horse for the course?! Let's find out and tick the boxes that apply to you. What do you bring with you, what are your interests - with your information, you help us find the right team or team members for you. 


Basic data

Interest in founding: 

*required boxes


Abillities & Skills

Business administration




Other skills



Other Interests


By submitting the information, you agree that the Transfer and Start-up Center will process your information internally. Your data will be treated confidentially and will only be used for the purpose of founder-matching. After reviewing your details, we will contact you and discuss the next steps with you. 
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Last Modification: 15.10.2021 - Contact Person: Webmaster