The TUGZ at the Campusdate

Erstellt von Vivien Christoph am 26.05.2019 um 13:57 Uhr:

Last saturday the OVGU Campusdate and the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft took place.

The TUGZ and the MakerLabs were there with an info point and have taken care of your questions and concerns all about the topic of founding. 

Campusdate (c) Christian Rößler

Also the startup Trenux introduced itself and convinced with its product "trunk for bicycles", which was generated in the FabLab. Also the AWI-Lab inspired with exciting practical insights into the movement supported by an active exoskeleton and the motion recording with a motion capture suit. 

Campusdate (c) Christian Rößler

In addition, there was a guided tour through the founding workshops  Additiv+ manufacturing laboratory for the production of functional prototypes), FabLab (production laboratory for the production of visual and functional models), PERFORMANCE (development and testing of the innovative ideas in the field of "Human Performance"), FLEXTRONIC (production laboratory for printed circut boards and electronics) und PM (patient specific medical devices). 

Campusdate (c) Christian Rößler

Picture source(c) Christian Rößler/ TUGZ

Last Modification: 28.08.2019 - Contact Person: Webmaster